BJCA Newswire –  2nd August 2024

BCS Core Curriculum Course in ACHD – Book now!

Registration is now open for the British Cardiovascular Society’s Core Curriculum Course in Adult Congenital Heart Disease. This excellent two-day course is running at RCP London on the 3rd – 4th October 2024. This course has been designed to help trainees get training in the hard to access curriculum area of ACHD and as and as an approved course is claimable on study budget. To register click here!

BJCA Survey regional report cards now online!

The 2024 BJCA Survey regional report cards have been published on and are now available. How does your deanery compare to others and what areas of training are hard to access in your region. Click here to access.

BJCA Starter Survey is live!

The 2024 BJCA Starter survey is now live! All pre-speciality doctors working in cardiology (FY1-IMT3) can complete it and this year’s survey aims to assess the exposure to cardiology as a speciality, barriers to entering cardiology and the impact of PAs on training for pre-speciality doctors. All registered BJCA starter members have been sent a direct link to complete.  Please encourage interested junior doctors working in your cardiology department to sign up to BJCA Starter here to be able to sent a link to complete it.

BCS Emerging Leaders Programme – apply by 12 August

The programme was established in 2019 and aims to equip successful applicants with leadership and management skills that will be invaluable in their careers. Past participants speak very highly of the programme and have already made a significant impact in cardiology, so if you are interested, please get started on your applications, as competition for the limited places will be fierce. For further information and application details visit here.

EP Fellowship opportunity in New Zealand!

Applications are open for an 1-2 year EP fellowship based in Waikato in New Zealand starting in February 2025. For more information and to apply please click here.

ECPR Summit – registration open

Registration is now open for the ECPR summit on 23rd of September 2024 at the RSM in London. This event provides an excellent opportunity to delve into the latest evidence and practices in cardiac arrest and Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. For more information and to register please click here.

Save the date – BJCA HeadStart 2024!

Make sure to save the date for the ever popular and free BJCA HeadStart course on the 26-27th October 2024 at Bush House in London. BJCA HeadStart is a two-day course for new ST4 Cardiology doctors and is aimed to prepare them for life as a new cardiology trainee. Booking details will be released nearer the time.

BSE-BJCA ST4 Echo skills day – registration open!

Registration is now open for the joint BSE-BJCA Echo skills days which are being run across Manchester, Cardiff, Peterborough, Newcastle and London on several dates through September to October 2024. This excellent course aims to give new ST4 trainees a full introduction to echocardiography, including both live scanning and image interpretation and as an approved course is claimable on study budget. To register click here!

Applications open for BCS Social Media Rep

Are you interested in getting involved in educational events run by the British Cardiovascular Society? Do you have experience and familiarity with multiple social media platforms including twitter? If so, then the BCS Social Media rep role could be for you.

The successful applicant will join the current BCS Social Media team and would be expected to regularly produce content from the official BCS twitter account to promote BCS’ educational events; BCS Annual Conference and BCS Heartbeat. The successful applicant would also be able to attend BCS’ educational courses to provide live coverage of the event whilst they are running.

If you have any questions or which to apply, please submit a 100-word statement about why you are suitable for the role with a copy of your CV to

Deadline for applying is the 31st of August 2024.

BCS National Training Day – 13th September 2024, The London Institute for Healthcare Engineering (LIHE), London

Covering topics from the current cardiology curriculum, the sessions in the National Training Day are carefully tailored to address potential gaps in the training programme, or provide additional detail on areas trainees have identified as being of concern. Specially designed for UK cardiology trainees, each course features a variety of prominent speakers from the field of cardiology. To register, book here.

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