sOOPR #11 – Rod Stables PART 2 – Supervisor responsibilities, perspective & maximising your impact
sOOPR #11 – Rod Stables PART 2 – Supervisor responsibilities, perspective & maximising your impact
Part 2 of a really special interview. Prof Rod Stables, BHF CRC Clinical Lead & Consultant Cardiologist, Liverpool Heart & Chest has mentored so many successful Research Fellows and has kindly taken the time to share his insights.
Every response is considered and this is one I’d suggest watching more than once. I really couldn’t cut this episode down to 15 mins so I have split it into two.
In the second half, Rod goes into how to know if a supervisor is a good fit, how to stay on track and the future of the supervisor-supervisee relationship. The perfect interview to end Season 1 with.