BJCA Newswire –  20th September 2024

Headstart Facilitators Needed!

We are looking for registrars to assist at our upcoming Headstart and Starter course, on varying stations including echo, pacing, angiography and pericardiocentesis. If you are free on Sat 26th or Sun 27th October and would be happy to help please get in contact with Holly Morgan – Expenses will be covered and teaching certificate provided.

BJCA HeadStart 2024 – Now full!

Within a few days of going live, HeadStart in Cardiology 2023 was fully booked. We have set up a waiting lists for the event and are attempting to secure funding for further places. In the meantime, if you’re a new ST4 (including those starting in October) and haven’t managed to secure a place, please do contact your local BJCA rep so that we can try to prioritise you if further places become available.

To join the waiting list, please click here.

BJCA Starter present ‘Tell me about your subspeciality’

BJCA Starter are running a series of webinars aiming to inspire the next generation of cardiologists (pre-speciality training doctors) and to broaden the interest in the speciality.

Webinars coming soon:

–       Sports Cardiology with Professor Michael Papadakis Monday 30th September 7:30pm  – Sign up:

–      Previous webinars covering structural intervention, electrophysiology and ACHD can be found on the BJCA Starter members video section on here.

UKMCS Trainee Day: 18 November 2024, English Distillery in Norfolk, NR16 2QW

The UKMCS is proud to present a not-for profit, trainee focused educational day on presentations of cardiac emergencies in maternal/obstetric care. The day is centred around a combination of multi-speciality case based discussions and lectures by an expect faculty. The programme has been aimed at and mapped to Cardiology, O+G, Anaesthetic and Intensive Care curricula and aimed at the ST3+ level but all who are interested are welcome. A full programme will be published shortly on the UKMCS website. The event, which is to be hosted at The English Distillery in Norfolk, benefits from on-site parking, a later start time to reduce rush hour stress and is fully catered.

UKMCS members with receive a discount and can be applied for by any new members also. Membership for trainees can be obtained for only £30 via the UKMCS website and selecting the associate tier; this also comes with a variety of discounts to our other educational events.

Download Programme. Please click here to book your ticket.

NIHR-BHF Partnership Cardio-Oncology Theme – Research Priorities

Do you have a specialist interest in cardio-oncology and would like to help inform the future research priorities in this area?  The NIHR-BHF Cardiovascular Partnership theme in Cardio-Oncology is keen to hear from you to help facilitate future research study design and to maximise collaboration across the UK.  Please take 10 minutes to complete this short survey here, which seeks to gain an overview of opinions from UK-based healthcare professionals in relation to cardio-oncology research priorities.   This will inform future discussions and funding applications for collaborative UK cardio-oncology research. The deadline for completion is the 2nd October.

For further information, please contact

Oxford ACHD Echo Webinar

Oxford ACHD Echo is a free webinar series designed to demystify congenital heart disease and equip you with some simple frameworks for scanning complex hearts. Although echo focussed, it will cover the anatomy and physiology of all the core congenital lesions, so this should be useful for all trainees (and particularly helpful for those coming up to exams!) and no prior ACHD knowledge is required.

Sessions are running once a month with the next one Thursday 10th October. For more information and to register click here or email Jo Lim at

Back by popular demand! The Virtual ACHD Sessions – Simple Lesions on Monday 14th October.

Book now and don’t miss out on the next online teaching day on simple ACHD lesions. After a successful start and a long waiting list to get onto the previous session, we are rescheduling a new session to allow for all of those who were unable to get onto the course to book. Spaces are limited like last time, so book asap!

Are you struggling to access ACHD training opportunities to supplement your ACHD CIPs? Are you worried about the EECC exam? Virtual ACHD Sessions are offering you the opportunity to spend a day learning about simple ACHD lesions to supplement your training. Through the form of online PBL, you will consolidate your knowledge and acquire new foundations to ensure you are confident in dealing with ACHD patients and prepared for the EECC exam.

“Virtual ACHD Sessions: Simple Lesions” – Monday 14th October 9h-16h

Spaces are limited! Book online asap
For any queries please contact:

BCS/BCOS/UCLH Cancer Academy Cardio-Oncology Course, 11 November 2024, Royal College of Physicians, London

This joint British Cardiovascular Society, British Cardio-Oncology Society and University College London Hospitals Cancer Academy course provides an update in contemporary cardio-oncology practice and will cover recent updates in cardio-oncology. A multidisciplinary practical approach to common cardiac issues in oncology/haem-oncology patients will be explored. For the first time, dedicated sessions for oncologists and for haematologists will be incorporated into the day.
Confirmed speakers include Prof Ninian Lang, Prof Mamas Mamas, Dr Rebecca Dobson, Dr David Austin and Prof Jay Wright.

For further information and to register, click here.

CardioStars – research translation and commercialisation from the British Heart Foundation

The CardioStars programme, run in partnership between the BHF and Panacea Innovation, helps physicians and scientists take their discoveries and turn them into products that can make a difference to patients.

Action is an entry-level initiative for those with little or no experience of research translation or commercialisation. You don’t need a specific project or idea to take part, only enthusiasm and a willingness to learn. The centrepiece of Action is a one day bootcamp on Friday 18th October at the Royal Society of Medicine in London. Applications are now open; the deadline is Friday 27th September.

Develop is designed to support researchers who are actively working on a specific translational project that seeks to address a real world problem. The programme offers accessible training in building a business, developing a team, planning finances, managing intellectual property and fundraising. The three day bootcamp will take place from Wednesday 13th to Friday 15th November at Trinity CollegeOxfordApplications are now open; the deadline is Friday 18th October.

For more information visit or contact

Complex High-Risk Indicated (CHIP) PCI meeting – 21 & 22 November 2024

The Golden Jubilee National Hospital is pleased to invite you back for the annual Complex High-Risk Indicated (CHIP) PCI meeting on the 21 & 22 November 2024.

The theme for this year’s meeting is “CHIP PCI in patients with LVSD/ shock”. Topics include mechanical circulatory support for PCI, calcium modification techniques and intracoronary imaging.

Further information available here. Attendance is free. Limited spaces for free accommodation at the Beardmore hotel also available. Register now to not miss out!

Introduction to Cardiac Structural Interventions (ICSI-UK: 2024), Friday 8th November 2024, Marriot Nottingham Belfry

This course is thoughtfully designed for Cardiology trainees, Interventional trainees, and allied health professionals interested in structural interventions. Attendees can expect in-depth education, hands-on simulations, and step-by-step instructions for common procedures. The course also focuses on building confidence in handling anatomical abnormalities using case- and simulation-based imaging, imparting valuable clinical skills.

For further information, download flyer.

Coronary Physiology and Intra-vascular Imaging (IVUS/OCT) Course: 25th November 2024, Hilton Newcastle, Gateshead

This course is aimed to enhance understanding of basic concepts of coronary flow indices and intravascular imaging. Target audience is ST5 onwards trainees with interest in coronary intervention. We have limited trainees’ number to 20 only for this course, to keep it interactive and give everyone ample time to practice.

Download flyer.
For further information and on how to register, please click here.

North East Level 1 Cardiac CT course: 2nd December 2024, Hilton Newcastle, Gateshead 

This course is unique in providing:

  • Comprehensive basic understanding of Cardiac CT (Technology, Protocols, Scan acquisition, post processing of the data)
  • Workstation based training – interpretations of the scan and formulation of reports.
  • Only 20 trainees with each trainee have access to the iCloud-based database to access the cases on the day.
  • Each trainee must bring his/her laptop with mouse (right and left click options) to be able to access the database.
  • Registered trainees will have training to use the software before the day of the course and on the day.

Download flyer.
For further information and on how to register click here.

Join The EHRA Young EP Network

The EHRA Young EP committee’s goal is to promote the work of their members, and create a global network within the scientific EP community to assist with non-¬clinical professional training needs.  The Young EP Committee has been formed to facilitate, enhance and accelerate the development of early career electrophysiologists.


  • Build a network for young electrophysiologists (EPs)
  • Give up-to-date educational content to young EPs
  • Develop congresses and events for young EPs
  • Create a young EP exchange programme

Who can join?
Electrophysiologists and cardiac device specialists in or out of training until the age of 40 years old
Electrophysiologists and cardiac device specialists within three years after training if over 40 years old

If you believe you are eligible to join the EHRA Young EP Network so that you can be kept updated and receive news and communication relevant to Young EPs, please apply to be part of the network on the ESC website.

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