BJCA Annual Regional Reports

It is apparent that training quality varies substantially between regions. For over 15 years the BJCA has undertaken an annual survey of cardiology trainees. To ensure that this data is used effectively to drive improvements in training, the BJCA started producing regional reports in 2021. These detail key attributes of training in each of the UK cardiology training regions.

Attributes include both procedural opportunities and training environment (e.g. bullying, burnout). Regions are given an overall rank out of 22 (1 is best and 22 is worst) as well as ranks for procedural training and training environment. The report for each region is available below. In addition, reports from previous years can be found by clicking on the link to the relevant year.

BJCA Survey Sessions at BCS 2024

2024 Reports

Scotland, North West

Scotland, S.East


East Midlands, South

West Yorkshire


Northern Ireland

North West



London, South Thames

East Midlands, North


West Midlands


London, N.East & Central

Thames Valley

East of England

London, N.West

Kent, Surrey & Sussex

South Yorkshire

N.Yorkshire & East Coast