BJCA Newswire – 19th August 2022

BJCA Cardiology Handbook 2022

We have completely revamped the BJCA Cardiology Induction Handbook this year. This is the definitive resource for new cardiology ST4s. The new handbook includes details on the 2022 curriculum and a load of top tips for new cardiology registrar. The handbook can be found here.

HeadStart and Practical Skills Masterclass

Within three days of going live with sales both HeadStart 2022 and the Practical Skills Masterclass have both ‘sold out’. We have set up waiting lists for both events and are attempting to secure funding for further places. In the meantime, if you’re a new ST4 (including those starting in October) and haven’t managed to secure a place, please do contact your local BJCA rep so that we can try to prioritise you if further places become available.

Waiting list for HeadStart 2022:
Waiting list for Practical Skills Masterclass:

BCS Social Media Editor

The British Cardiovascular Society are looking for a new social media editor to join the education committee. If interested, please apply here.

Deadline: 16th September

Subscribe to NICE News for Health and Social Care

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) supports effective decision making by getting the right information, to the right people, at the right time.

Subscribe to their monthly newsletter to stay informed on:

•    latest guidance
•    implementation advice and case studies
•    podcasts, blog posts and events
•    how to engage with NICE.

Subscribe to NICE News for Health and Social Care

National Training Day on 6 September 2022

This one-day course at the Royal College of Physicians in London covers topics from the current cardiology curriculum, the topics and sessions for the day are carefully tailored to address potential gaps in the Training Programme, or provide additional detail on areas trainees have identified as being of concern. The day will kick off with a debate between Divaka Perera and Theresa McDonagh on PCI in Heart Failure – fresh from the REVIVED trial presentation at ESC!

The course is £100 for BCS members, £150 for non-members, and booking closes on 31 August 2022.

Women In Cardiology  upcoming events:

Monday 26 September 2000-2100h; WIC webchat on ‘Working With Industry’. Join us for an informal chat about working with industry, and its impact on grants, research money, PI collaborations, and much more.
Email for the Teams link.

Friday 18 November 0930-1600h; Joint Women in Cardiology/ Women in Cardiothoracic Surgery Conference; Refresh & Inspire. This is a 1 day face to face conference in Manchester. The event is aimed at women doctors and surgeons working in cardiology/cardiothoracic surgery but all are welcome. This event has been generously sponsored by industry and we have lined up some amazing speakers to talk on Imposter Syndrome, Public Speaking, CEAs, Compassion fatigue and more. Registration opens soon.

Access resources and support from the Women in Cardiology network at the BJCA and BCS:

Contact Sarah Blake, BJCA WIC representative:, Twitter – @BlakeSarahR

Join us for the 11th Annual London Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia Symposium on Friday 16 September.

This in-person event will be held at the Royal Society of Medicine in London. An international Faculty of experts will come together to discuss the latest science in the field of ventricular arrhythmias, from pathophysiology to mapping and ablation techniques. This event is approved for 6 hours of CPD credit by the RCP.

For registration, please visit:

A limited number of free spaces is available for trainees on a first come, first served basis. To take advantage of this, please email Nikki George at

Oxford Live, 1st September 2022

Case-based coronary and structural intervention day occurring as a hybrid event with live streaming from Oxford Saïd Business School combining coronary and structural live case transmissions from John Radcliffe Hospital.

Attend in-person or watch the live stream with interaction between the faculty and in-person audience.

Both options are FREE and offer six category one external CPD credits from the Royal College of Physicians.

View the programme and register:

The sOOPR research podcast

Season 2 of this series with successful PhD fellows and leaders in the research world continues with a new episode every week. Episode 20 is out now: Prof Matt Sydes discusses trial design, the funders perspective and EHRs.

These are made for any trainees thinking about or doing a PhD/MD. This season also looks at Fellowships and other research opportunities.

Please subscribe to our Youtube channel or search “soopr” on Spotify/Apple Podcasts. We have a fantastic line-up of 15-20 minute episodes coming out this Summer.

Hands-On Transseptal Puncture Course
Monday & Tuesday, September 26 & 27, 2022

This course is designed for interventional cardiologists and electrophysiologists with early experience in transseptal puncture(TSP).  The goal is to provide technical and clinical guidance to learn the full spectrum of TSP technologies and techniques.

There are 15 places available on first come basis, please follow this link for further information.

Registration, accommodation and expenses provided.

For registration and any questions please email Jordan Joseph-Jackson on the following email:

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