BJCA Newswire – 6th October 2023
Fellowship opportunities from BCS and Heart Research UK
The BCS is continuing its partnership with Heart Research UK to offer fellowship opportunities. Heart Research UK is a leading charity which invests in life-saving medical research into the prevention, treatment and cure of heart disease, as well as supporting ground-breaking training and education.
The BCS-Heart Research UK clinical fellowship scheme offers the potential for clinical top-up training, allowing candidates across the NHS workforce to gain new clinical skills or experience in a global centre of excellence.
Visit for further details on the two fellowship awards available. To be eligible, all applicants must be fully paid-up ordinary members or joint members of the BCS. Applications close at 11.59 on Sunday 5 November.
BCS A Year in Cardiology – Friday 15th December 2023
The culmination to the cardiovascular year will review the biggest and most relevant topics of the past 12 months. This course is a must-attend for consultants and cardiology trainees who wish to keep up to date on advances in cardiology. There will also be a live Q&A session posing questions to the expert panel.
For more information and to register, please click here.
BHRS Hands-On Simulator Training Day – 7th Nov, Manchester – REGISTRATION CLOSES 10TH OCTOBER
Registration for the BHRS Hands-On Simulator Training Day closes at 11:59 PM on Tuesday 10th October sharp!
This is for core and arrhythmia sub-specialty cardiology trainees and allied professionals seeking hands-on intro & refresher experience. You can fully personalise your timetable for the day with 30+ training stations to choose from! There are core, advanced and intermediate options available. Training stations are offered by companies Abbott, Biosense Webster, BIOTRONIK, Boston Scientific and Medtronic. Topics include Pericardiocentesis, ICE, CIED.
If you’re hoping to register for the training day, but are awaiting study leave approval then you can secure your place and first choice of training options without having to pay for the full course. Use code ‘IMWAITING’ at checkout and you can secure your place for just £1. Full payment will be taken when your leave is approved, either by invoicing your hospital directly or via a card payment over the phone.
More Info & Registration:
BJCA Device Implanter and Troubleshooting Course – November 2023
The most highly attended BJCA course is back.
The BJCA-Medtronic Device Implanter and Troubleshooting course follows on from your Device Programming Course that took place in February.
The sessions are designed for Cardiology ST4, ST5 and Clinical Fellows who have some experience in Pacemaker/ICD implantation but not routinely as first operator in your training. (See the related CiP and procedural components from the 2022 curriculum below).
Sign up here.
This 4-part series will run on Thursday evenings starting from 9th November at 17:30. We will have expert faculty commentating step-by-step alongside a PPM and CRT case and sharing their personal tips and tricks.
And as requested, we’ve also added more Device Programming troubleshooting for you too!
Related curriculum points:
- Specialty CiP 3 (at Level 4): “Assess, investigate and instigate management in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients at risk of arrhythmic events including identifying patients who may be indicated cardiovascular implanted electronic devices (‘implantable devices’) and electrophysiological study and ablation”
- Pacemaker implantation (at level 3- under supervision)
Register today at
BCS and Mayo Clinic Cardiology Review Course 2024: 11 -15 March 2024
Our signature course with leading experts from the UK and Mayo Clinic covers the European Cardiology Curriculum, with a range of practical and technical sessions. The five-day course provides a comprehensive overview across the major cardiology subspecialties, both for trainees and for consultants preparing for revalidation.
For more information and to register, please click here.
BJCA Cardiology Handbook 2023
We have completely revamped the BJCA Cardiology Induction Handbook this year. This is the definitive resource for new cardiology ST4s. The new handbook includes details on the 2023 curriculum and a load of top tips for new cardiology registrars. The handbook can be found here.
Worldwide EXCELLENCE for Young Cardiologists Webinars – October, November and December
Worldwide EXCELLENCE for young cardiologists is an advanced programme addressed to young cardiologists, aimed at deepening their theoretical and practical knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases. Follow the 4 modules (in 8 webinars) to improve your competences with 4 recognised international cardiology centers.
For more information, please click here. You can join the programme here.
Annual Complex High-Risk Indicated (CHIP) PCI meeting – 9th and 10th of November 2023
Fantastic educational content and some social time with colleagues – for FREE? The Golden Jubilee National Hospital is pleased to invite you back for the annual Complex High-Risk Indicated (CHIP) PCI meeting on the 9th and 10th of November 2023.
The meeting receives great feedback from trainees each year, showcasing the challenges and key considerations when managing these complex patients with coronary artery disease. Featuring a world-class, MDT faculty from across the UK and abroad, attendees can expect a mixture of live cases, lectures and case-based discussions with the panel. The theme for this year’s meeting is “revascularisation failure in the CHIP space”. Topics include calcium modification equipment and techniques, intracoronary imaging, and age considerations for mode of revascularisation.
Further information available here. Attendance is free. Limited spaces for free accommodation at the Beardmore hotel also available. Register now to not miss out!
BHVS Annual Meeting – 13 October 2023
The British Heart Valve Society (BHVS) are pleased to invite trainees interested in structural intervention, cardiac imaging and surgery to join us for our annual meeting at the Royal College of Physicians, titled:
‘State of the Art Management in Heart Valve Disease’ a collaboration of experts
Sessions include:
- State of the art in transcatheter heart valve interventions
- State of the art in heart valve surgery
- State of the art in minimally invasive surgery
A reminder that the best abstract/clinical case from each of the three subspecialty fields will be awarded and the winners will receive free registration for a BHVS meeting in 2024.
For more information and to register, click here
Adult Congenital Heart Disease 2023 – 12 & 13 October 2023
BCS‘ Adult Congenital Heart Disease course, led by Dr Sarah Bowater and Dr Kate English, takes place on 12/13 October at The Royal College of Physicians in London. Expert ACHD Cardiologists lead delegates through a series of lectures, case based discussions and interactive Q&A sessions on this rapidly developing field. The programme is now available – Book here.
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCPE) Hybrid Symposium: Cardiology – Thursday 9 November 2023
Health professionals encounter a variety of cardiac presentations in daily clinical practice. This symposium will place emphasis on clinical assessment and treatment, whilst important novel developments will be reviewed in the context of existing evidence-based and accepted practices. This symposium aims to be interactive and thought-provoking. Topics covered will include:
- Heart failure
- Valve disease (Tricuspid)
- Congenital heart disease
- Coronary heart disease
- Genetics
- Cardiac imagine
- Arrhythmias
- ECGs
- Implantable devices
This symposium should be of interest to any health professional faced with seeing patients with cardiac conditions and symptoms. It is aimed at doctors and health professionals in training, general physicians, whilst remaining relevant to even the most experienced Cardiologists involved in general Cardiology.
New echo skills days for registrars running national October – November 2023
The British Society of Echocardiography (BSE) has launched a pilot programme of echo skills days in collaboration with the British Junior Cardiologists Association (BJCA).
The programme aims to alleviate the difficulty some registrars experience in accessing echocardiography training and will facilitate the acquisition of basic skills as well as introductions to echo training leads in their local area.
With two dates remaining between October and November 2023, the programme will initially open to ST4 cardiologists as you begin your training posts, but may be made available to a wider audience should places be available later in the summer.
The skills days will use live models and include basic echo training: how to hold the probe; how to operate the scanners; what measurements to take; basics on report writing etc. Crucially, the faculty leading the days will be the training leads in those regions enabling the registrars to meet the people who will be training them in their centres and therefore removing the obstacle many registrars find of knowing whom to contact within echo departments.
Dates for your diary
- Monday 30th October 2023, London South
- Tuesday 14th November 2023, London North
Click here to register your interest.
Introduction to Cardiac Structural Interventions (ICSI-UK) 2023
University Hospitals Nottingham NHS Trust are excited to announce that we will be organising the “Introduction to Cardiac Structural Intervention (ICSI-UK)” for the second successive year on the Friday 3rd November 2023 at the Marriot Nottingham, Belfry. Last years conference in 2022 was a great success, attended by around 80 participants from all over the world including Spain, India and Sri Lanka. The feedback has been excellent. This course is designed for Interventional Consultant at early stages of their careers in structural interventions, Cardiology trainees and Interventional trainees, with an interest in structural interventions. Attendees will experience in-depth education, hands-on simulations, and step-by-step instructions for common procedures while building the confidence with anatomical abnormalities using case- and simulation-based imaging. Attendees will also gain valuable clinical skills and an opportunity to connect with some of the pioneers of structural interventions in the United Kingdom.
Cardiology Fellowships
The BJCA are often provided details of fellowships (both clinical and research) to advertise. We have developed a system for uploading and displaying fellowships (and consultant posts) on the BJCA website:
Current fellowships/jobs the BJCA is aware of can be found here:
To post details of a fellowship/job for the website, go here:
Please circulate to any members of your departments who have fellowship opportunities to advertise.