BJCA Newswire – 7th October 2022

Cardiology Fellowships

The BJCA are often provided details of fellowships (both clinical and research) to advertise. We currently put these in the newswire. However, to try and improve this process, we have developed a system for uploading and displaying fellowships (and consultant posts) on the BJCA website:

Current fellowships/jobs the BJCA is aware of can be found here:
To post details of a fellowship/job for the website, go here:

Please circulate to any members of your departments who have fellowship opportunities to advertise.

Sir Rory Collins on BJCA PMHx- watch now

Sir Rory Collins is one of the UKs most eminent clinical researchers- recognised by the Academy of Medical Sciences, Royal Society and knighthood in 2010 for his services to science.

Sir Rory describes his early fascination with statistics as a medical student and his journey to prove the value of thrombolysis acutely and statins chronically in heart attack patients through RCTs and change Cardiology practice across the World.

We dived into his story because it’s an example of how ‘normal’ his path has been and hope it will inspire todays Cardiology trainee how they can drive innovation, change and impact through persistence. You can watch the wide-ranging 30-minute conversation here

We hope you enjoy this episode and you can catch up on Prof Bill McKenna and Prof Jane Somerville’s story too. Please share any feedback to

WIC & WICTS inaugural ‘Refresh & Inspire’ conference

There are still a few places available at the WIC & WICTS inaugural ‘Refresh & Inspire’ conference. This is taking place in Manchester on Friday 18 November. Visit to reserve your place. You have to register on the SCTS website first which takes around 1 min to do. Registration is £50 which is refundable on you registering on the day and completing a feedback form.

Our next WIC webchat is taking place on Monday 17 October 2000-2100h on the topic of Transitioning from Cardiology Trainee to Consultant. To receive the Teams link please

The BCSWIC team have developed a return to work buddy scheme for any cardiology trainee/consultant returning to work after a period of absence. If anyone is interested in becoming a ‘buddy’ or would like to be paired up with someone, please email There is more information on the website,

Contact Sarah Blake, BJCA WIC representative:, Twitter – @BlakeSarahR

BCS/BCOS/UCLH Cancer Academy Cardio-Oncology Course

This joint British Cardiovascular Society, British Cardio-Oncology Society, University College London Hospitals Cancer Academy course will give the attendee an update in contemporary cardio-oncology practice and will cover recent updates in cardio-oncology. The potentially long-lasting transformation of cardio-oncology, haemato-oncology and oncology services due to COVID-19 will also be explored as will the pivotal roles of the CNS and specialist pharmacist in a cardio-oncology service.

Trainee fee: £50
Online registration closes: Midday, Monday 21 November 2022
Programme: View/Download the 2022 Programme
Register online now

Medicamentum Hands on Transthoracic Echo course

A two-day echo course on the weekend of the 3rd and 4th December at UCL in London. Prior to this, delegates will have access to 7 hours of pre-recorded lectures delivered by award winning consultants/BSE faculty. There will be two full days of echo scanning with experienced physiologists/registrars who are BSE accredited. All food and refreshments will be provided. Limited places. Further details can be found at

4 free places to this course (or refunds if signed up) will be provided to ST4 BJCA members picked at random who submit a current rota to the BJCA GIM calculator before 23rd October 2022 (

(ICSI-UK) 2022
Introduction to Cardiac Structural Interventions

• TAVI: Past – Present & future
• Useful Cardiac Clinical Anatomy
• Utility of TOE/Cardiac CT/ICE in structural interventions
• How to achieve safe vascular access and closure techniques
• How to perform a safe / effective Trans-septal puncture
• Hands on experience on Trans-septal puncture-LAAO /ICE & Closure
• Basics of common structural intervention procedures (Indications /
Procedure/ Evidence & Guidelines)

When: 11th November 2022
Where: Trent Cardiac Centre, Nottingham

For further info and how to register, please see the attached flier.

The Hatter Cardiovascular Institute, UCL – SpR Case Study MDT Grand Rounds Meeting

Please mark Friday, 25th November in your diary. This meeting will be in-person and held at The Hatter Cardiovascular Institute, UCL.

Following on from earlier meetings, we will debate and discuss MDT case study presentations with registrars from primary and secondary care, specifically in the areas of Cardiology, Nephrology, and Diabetes. The format for this meeting will see Senior Consultants presenting cases, pausing throughout to query the Trainees in the audience for their opinion on next steps and treatment direction.  The aim is to create an interactive and engaging session while disseminating the important MDT aspects. Trainees in both primary and secondary care are also encouraged to submit case studies for their own presentation as an opportunity to further initiate relevant discussions amongst colleagues.

Further details can be seen on the attached flyer including specific times, how to register and how to submit a case study. These links are also repeated below:

To register:
To submit a case study:

13th Advanced Cardiac Imaging Course

Friday 9 December 2022, online and free
A virtual and interactive course covering recent advances in cardiovascular imaging techniques. Topics will particularly cover coronary disease and valvular heart disease.

More information here.

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